Is assignment help legal in Malaysia?
In Malaysia, there is a growing trend of students hiring Malaysian assignment helper to complete their assignments and online exams. While there is no definitive answer to whether or not this practice is legal, there are a few things to consider.
First, assignment helpers are typically unqualified to provide academic advice or guidance. As such, they may not be aware of the specific requirements of your assignment or online exam help.
Second, assignment helpers may not be familiar with the plagiarism policies of your university or college. If you are caught submitting work that is not your own, you could face serious academic penalties.
Finally, assignment helpers are often expensive, and you may end up spending more money than if you had completed the assignment on your own. In light of these concerns, it is advisable to exercise caution if you are considering hiring an assignment helper in Malaysia.
Why does assignment help is legal in Malaysia?
There are a few reasons why assignment help is legal in Malaysia.
First, the Malaysian government has made it legal for students to get help with their schoolwork. This is because the Malaysian government recognizes that students sometimes need help in order to succeed in their classes.
Second, the Malaysian government has made it legal for people to provide assistance with schoolworkThis is because the Malaysian government realizes that not everyone has the time or knowledge to completetheir schoolwork on their own.
Finally, the Malaysian government has made it legal for people to pay for assistance with their schoolwork.This is because the Malaysian government knows that some students may not able to get help from theirFriends or family members and that they may need to pay for help in order to get their assignments completed.
In conclusion, the Malaysian government has made it legal for students to get help with their schoolworkand has also made it legal for people to provide assistance with schoolwork or any type of other help likeprogramming assignment help.
This is because the Malaysian government recognizes that sometimes students need help in order to succeedin their classes.
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